The doctor said they'll be fine. Surely, they'll under the surveillance of the most brilliant doctor, Barry Steinbeck, surely, they'll be just fine. He's a genius, learn from the mighty Floyd himself. He studies five years of Medicine, three years of surgical, two years of cardiology and one year and three months of Neurology. None of them he liked. He was the top students at the medical school, the best out of the best. But he was never a
successful man of any kind. He wants a revenge, always wants a revenge. In a gloomy night of the Florida summer, he said to himself, if there is anything that doctor has never cured, it was the madness, the irrational, dangerous, and unreasonable madness.
In the Cuban Bar, he orders a drink, then
another. The Cuban Libre unable to set him free, the Daiquiri unable to ease the pain. He felt the heat from the hot August night and soon he sees the musician singing alone with the patient that rowed their boat. He starts to
scream, he shouts.
"Y'all should be in bed by now! Cuba isn't a land for your kind. Go home now, go home. Y'all already in a land of strangers this land will devour you soul, you flesh and your wills. Go home now, please go home. We'll have the drink ready, the dance, the music, we’ll have everything. You all can all indulge yourself, indulge yourself in the
unforgivable sins and love. My word is always truthful, and you all know it is. So please, take these away from me, take this madness out of my life. Even if it's only one night, just this one hot summer night."
The music goes on and on, the patients care
not duty of care. They sing with the guitar, dance with the drum. The heat couldn't get them, nor symphony of the summer night was capable of stopping them. They march through the thick forest of South America, sail through the frozen water of Antarctica, they find Russia, then Europe. They, like hundreds of years ago, enlighten by the king of Spain, dress like businessman, start their journey to seeking the treasured far East India. The water eventually dried up, underneath the sea it's the legacy of the Atlantis, the treasure worthless, the time priceless. They talk to Jesus said that he should forever buried the
land, keep it away from the "Normal". The greed will one day soon destroy humankind as a race. But they didn't notice, it was Jesus himself the that lost to greed.
So. In the morning they set sails again, by that time doctor has already decided to join them. He laughs with all his heart, ditched his family and his beloved daughter. He knew it was coming, he knew it from the very begging of it. When he saw that glowing sun that day on the golden beach. He knew one day it will die. He's mad, or is he? Even today it remains a mystery. He's study shows that he was one day an honorable doctor a true man. But the evidence shows that he just a patient of the asylum built near the mountain. From up above the hill, through the lens of a telescope, we can all see him dressing up just like a patient banging his head against the wall, in the room he himself called. The office. Sometimes Cuban bar.